Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (STIA) Infiltration Feasibility Assessment

To comply with its NPDES permit, the Port of Seattle is developing LID BMP guidelines for future development and redevelopment projects at STIA. In support, Aspect identified shallow and subsurface stormwater infiltration opportunities using existing GIS layers, geologic data, and other relevant data. Infiltration feasibility was based on evaluation of factors that affect infiltration potential and identification of units that represent unique combinations of these factors. The results were used to create infiltration feasibility maps for both the shallow and subsurface hydrostratigraphic units, and are now being incorporated into the Port’s Stormwater Management Manual for Aviation Division Property.

Aspect's Tom Atkins presented the STIA infiltration assessment project at the 2017 Municipal Stormwater Conference (MuniCon) Infiltration Workshop.